Free Special Webinar

embodying futuwwa
in a time of

Featuring Imam Dawud Walid

How are men called by Allah to show up in a time of crises?

What are your responsibilities and duties to yourself, family and society?

How can we cultivate courage, be resilient and support one another?

Wed, November 1, 2023


For Muslim Men 18+

Gaza Genocide, Doxxing, Rising toxic Islamaphobia, images of Babies and kids being killed, Cities turned to rubble, Constant lies being spewed, Political abandonment, Economic instability, financial familial concerns, possible Escalation, WW3…

Brothers, the world may seem to be unfolding into increased crises and chaos. Yet especially in such times Allah has a great destiny, calling and responsibility for each of us to stand up as Men of God, and be a solid mountain of strength, a protector and provider of emotional and spiritual grounding for ourselves, our wives, families, community and society.

Join Imam Dawud Walid and Yasir Syeed for a unique webinar covering what is asked of us, and practical next steps we we can and must take to show up as the Men we are meant to be based upon Divine revelation, Prophetic guidance , the wisdom of Muslim sages, and the rich Islamic traditions of futuwwa, muruwa and rujula. Join the brotherhood to gain clarity and support one another. You were born at this time and this place by Divine design, so with that, Bismillah.

The time is now to cultivate and embody futuwwa for yourself, your family and our communities.

Register now

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WEbinar presenters

  • Imam Dawud Walid

    Webinar Presenter

    Islamic teacher, activist and noted international speaker on Islam, history, civil rights, sacred activism, spirituality and political engagement. He is also an author of several books including “Futuwwah and Raising Males into Sacred Manhood " and “Towards Sacred Activism”.

    He has been interviewed and quoted in approximately 150 media outlets ranging from the New York Times, Wall St Journal, National Public Radio, CNN, BBC, FOX News and Al-Jazeera. Walid has lectured at over 50 institutions of higher learning about Islam, interfaith dialogue and social justice including at Harvard University, DePaul University and the University of the Virgin Islands – St. Thomas and St. Croix campuses.

    He is currently currently the Executive Director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.


  • Yasir Syeed

    Founder, Sacred Chivalry

    Professionally he is an emotional intelligence/mindfulness trainer and high performance coach to Fortune 500 companies, as well as software sales veteran. He has a Masters Degree in Environmental Sustainability, with focus on the impact of spirituality towards sustainability. He is married and father of seven:
    -Certified Peer Counselor (Virginia Department of Health Professionals)
    -Certificate Marriage and Family Therapy Contemporary Theory (Capella)
    -Certified Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness Instructor (SIYLI)
    -Certified Men’s Coaching Training (Men’s Wisdom Work Institute)
    -Graduate Men’s Leadership Training (Sacred Sons)
    -Certificate in Solution Focused Brief Therapy (Texas Wesleyan)
    -Certified High Performance Coach (High Performance Institute)
    -Khateeb (ADAMS Center)