The Futuwwa Journey

Rights of passage Retreat

Retreat is done!
Follow us on Instagram or contact us to get updates, or bring the retreat to your area.

Brothers, the time is now to take action, join hands, and cultivate sacred masculinity to strive to become grounded Men of Allah.

Why? The world yearns for men, husbands and fathers of substance and spiritual depth, who can lead with courage, nobility, emotional maturity, service, compassion and strength. Men who show up with a grounding in sacred masculinity, reconnect with their fitra (primordial nature), and fulfill their roles as Khalifatul-Ard (vicegerent of Allah), Qawwam, and shepherds of their families, and help one another. Men who are, in short, fulfilling their Divine purpose.

Are you ready to answer the call?

If so, and you are ready to put in the hard work, then Bismillah, join with other like minded brothers and embark on the transformative Futuwwa Journey which draws upon Divine revelation, Prophetic guidance , the wisdom of Muslim sages, and the rich Islamic traditions of futuwwa, muruwa and rujula to define, restore and cultivate sacred masculinity in a meaningful way that is profound, unique and lasting.

What is The Journey?

The Futuwwa Journey isn’t about an event, but about holistic change, starting with inward, towards aligning ourselves with Allah’s Divine plan. And through this, we awaken our inner potential, reclaim our purpose and experience a life of blessings, and an even better afterlife inshaAllah. You will not only experience personal transformation but also benefit from an approach that encompasses spiritual fulfillment, emotional well-being, personal growth, family strengthening, and the power of supportive brotherhood. It is primarily focused for men 18-33, but older men are encouraged to apply to be put on the wait list.

Some outcomes include

We are all a work in progress, and each have our own unique challenges and struggles. But the goal in the Journey is to begin to bring us all closer to the ideal character, manners and outlook that Allah desires for us. The path to that can be tough, but every step towards it is a blessing. So we are all striving to be men who prioritize:

  • Spiritual Depth: Deepen your connection with Allah, align with His divine plan and better embody the Prophetic character. Which is what will provide success in this life and next, which is all that matters. Orient yourself towards Allah and akhira/next life, as we do all other parts of our life will fall into place.

  • Courage: Be fearless to do what must be done, trusting Allah and fearing Him alone. Instead of avoiding necessary conflict in any domain of life, step into it with courage and directness. Become comfortable with the idea of being uncomfortable, learn how to be assertive when its called for.

  • Emotional Well-being: Learn to manage difficult emotions/triggers/discomfort rather than being reactive and letting our poor patterns control us. Foster harmonious relationships, and uplift others with compassion. Have a grateful, content, service-oriented mindset of a man of Allah who isnt emotionally needy or seeking approval from others.

  • Personal Growth and Resilience: Step up and take personal responsibility for your life rather than being a victim, shifting blame or making excuses. And develop self-discipline to overcome challenges, and unlock your full potential. Be a man who consistently set an intention, goal or commitment, and keep it.

  • Family and Legacy: Strengthen marriage and family bonds, be the present leader, the attuned shepard, the selfless provider, the strong protector of your family from all threats. Take the responsibility seriously rather than being one who is simply a follower. Leave a lasting legacy for this life, and be akhira oriented.

  • Brotherhood and Support: Find lifelong companionship, accountability, and collective growth with like-minded men. Play it forward by mentoring other young men, and being engaged in your community to share Allah’s light in a time of increasing darkness, and enjoin good and forbid evil.

The Transformative Approach

The Futuwwa Journey has three main components

  • The Rites of Passage Retreat

  • The 8 week online follow up and

  • Supportive brotherhood throughout.

    Through it all we’ll go beyond the theoretical and practical implementation of what it means to be a Muslim man. This is a pilot program, which inshaAllah we hope to refine and continue. Please make dua for its success.

  • Rites of Passage

    Many societies across the globe have a Rites of Passage tradition that plays an important role is transitioning a boy into a man, and welcoming him into the community with the responsibility, respect and expectations of a grown man. Modernity has by and large lost this important milestone, thus boys are not provided a clear path of what it is to be a man, and more importantly how to be one. The ROP is an immersive experience which goes beyond lectures, diving deep in experiential learning and spiritual rejuvenation in order to revive sacred masculinity. It is an remote natural setting, free of technology to allow screen detox and reconnection with yourself, Allah and others. Engage in deep introspection, connect with fellow seekers, and delve into the core aspects of sacred chivalry .The rites of passage will be challenging,

    Some aspects of the ROP include:

    Dhikr ⊚ Mindfulness & Presence ⊚ Tech Detox ⊚ Nature Immersion ⊚ Ritual Combat ⊚ Emotional Intelligence ⊚ Silence ⊚ Facing Challenges ⊚ Experiential learning ⊚ and more…

  • 8 week follow up Accountability

    Integrating the learning and experiences from the retreat in your daily life is where the hard work really begins.

    We'll have 8-weeks of online accountability, mentoring, and coaching of extended support, to ensure your continued growth providing you with the guidance, tools and support needed.

    Get ready to put the work in, but do it with mentorship, and others holding you accountable for the goals you have. Whether its getting in shape, a spiritual practice, confronting a challenge you have been avoiding, the weekly check ins will empower you to show up. New topics will be introduced as needed, while other topics will be re-emphasized.

  • Brotherhood

    Brother you are not on this path alone! Throughout your entire journey, you will cultivate a strong brotherhood with like-minded men who share your path of sacred masculinity. This supportive network will uplift and challenge you, providing the companionship and accountability needed for continuous growth.

    Together, you will embody the essence of Futuwwa and inspire each other on your collective quest to fulfill your divine purpose. Having brothers who will hold you accountable and challenge you, with love and sincere desire for your success in pleasing Allah is critically important.

    Suhba, or companionship, of like minded cohort draws the hearts closer, lifts us up when we are down, provides clarity when we are confused, and calls us out when we deserve it. We are all in this together!

What are the details?

The Futuwwa Journey is a pilot program, we ask you make dua it benefits all those who attend and involved. And inshaAllah we’ll be refining as we move forward.

Rite of Passage Retreat

  • Aug 4-6, 2023, arrive by 7pm Friday, closing is 5pm Sunday

  • Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania

  • Details on what to pack, address, and more will be shared upon registration

8 Week Mentoring and Accountability Sessions

  • Held weekly online

  • Date and time to be decided after retreat


  • Transportation is not included

  • Financial aide is available for those in need, please contact us during application.


  • Click below button to fill out application, ASAP as spaces are very limited.

The Futuwwa Journey Team

  • Imam Dawud Walid

    Retreat Facilitator

    Islamic teacher, activist and noted international speaker on Islam, history, civil rights, sacred activism, spirituality and political engagement. He is also an author of several books including “Futuwwah and Raising Males into Sacred Manhood " and “Towards Sacred Activism”.

    He has been interviewed and quoted in approximately 150 media outlets ranging from the New York Times, Wall St Journal, National Public Radio, CNN, BBC, FOX News and Al-Jazeera. Walid has lectured at over 50 institutions of higher learning about Islam, interfaith dialogue and social justice including at Harvard University, DePaul University and the University of the Virgin Islands – St. Thomas and St. Croix campuses.

    He is currently currently the Executive Director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.


  • Yasir Syeed

    Founder, Sacred Chivalry

    Professionally he is an emotional intelligence/mindfulness trainer and high performance coach to Fortune 500 companies, as well as software sales veteran. He has a Masters Degree in Environmental Sustainability, with focus on the impact of spirituality towards sustainability. He is married and father of seven:
    -Certified Peer Counselor (Virginia Department of Health Professionals)
    -Certificate Marriage and Family Therapy Contemporary Theory (Capella)
    -Certified Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness Instructor (SIYLI)
    -Certified Men’s Coaching Training (Men’s Wisdom Work Institute)
    -Graduate Men’s Leadership Training (Sacred Sons)
    -Certificate in Solution Focused Brief Therapy (Texas Wesleyan)
    -Certified High Performance Coach (High Performance Institute)
    -Khateeb (ADAMS Center)

  • Arshad Ali

    Journey Facilitator

    He is a physician by trade, specializing in Obesity Medicine and Metabolic Health.

    A former Eagle Scout, his passions extend beyond the clinic to hunting, archery, and triathlon.

    He's also a student of Islam, having studied academically and traditionally.

    As a married father of two young boys, family is his main priority. He is committed to self-improvement and building a community of strong Muslim men.